Friday, June 29, 2018

RED! The colour of Love, Roses, Wine & more..

The colour of Love..
The smell of red Roses..
The alluring red Lips & Nails..
The intoxicating red Wine..

When we love all things red, why do we hate/fear our period?

For centuries, women have been told that they're impure, dirty, weak etc when menstruating. But they are NOT! A Period is very much a normal phenomenon in every woman's life, just like eating, drinking, sleeping, pissing & pooping! To belittle an entire subgroup of population on the basis of a normal, biological occurrence should be Criminal!
Then again, I think - maybe people do not understand the science/logic behind periods.. So, today, let's understand what periods are & why they are so important.

The organs concerned with periods & pregnancy are - Uterus & Ovaries (connected via Fallopian tubes).
The Ovaries contain the female sex cells or eggs (1 sex cell from male & female each is required for pregnancy)

1 Egg grows in size ever month & ruptures when mature = Ovulation (best time for pregnancy & it occurs if there's intercourse around that time & the sperm makes it's way to the egg).

Meanwhile, the uterus also prepares itself to receive a pregnancy. It's inner lining grows & thickens.

IF there's a successful conception, it makes it's way to the uterus & embeds in its wall & pregnancy grows (= No Menses)
IF there's NO conception, approx 14 days after Ovulation, the uterus sheds it's lining (Hallelujah! Menses!!) & the cycle repeats itself.

See? Basic, pure, simple Biology! Not rocket science.. Not dirty.. Not impure.. Just the body functioning exactly the way it should, as nature wanted it to!

Let each & every one of us pledge today not to belittle/discriminate any woman on basis of periods. In our own little way, let's make them comfortable. Let them know that you are not grossed out by them & it's a completely normal & natural occurrence.

And women, let men know that YOU'RE A BADASS - Coz you can Bleed for a week every month without dying! Muah!!

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