Thursday, December 26, 2019

Think PINK, Protect yourself!

Hello, my beautiful people!
Today we'll throw light on a much-feared, less-talked-about & common disease. Breast Cancer.
Why? Because breast cancer is the most common cancer in Indian women.
Every 4 minutes, 1 woman is diagnosed with breast cancer in India.
Every 8 minutes, 1 woman dies of breast cancer in India!

Breast cancer 5-year survival rate in USA has steadily increased and is now around 90%, whereas it only 60% in India. This is mainly due to lack of awareness & screening and patients present in late stages of cancer in which the outcomes are poor.
The Pink Ribbon is the international symbol of Breast Cancer Awareness.

So here I am, once again, to break it all down for you into easily digestible chunks of info. Let's get started!

First things first - Breast cancer can happen to ANYBODY. Yes, it can happen to me, to you, to your mother, sister, girlfriend, wife, grandmother... You get the gist! Though there are certain risk factors which put you at an increased risk, and here they are!

Risk factors for Breast cancer
Non - modifiable - Not in your control.

  1. Age - Your chances of getting breast cancer increase with age. Though it does not mean that younger women cannot get breast cancer.
  2. Early age of starting menses (Menarche) and Late age of Stopping menses (Menopause).
  3. History of Breast Cancer in Family (Mother, Sister, Aunts, Grandmothers). Presence of BrCa gene mutation increases your chances of getting Breast or Ovarian cancer.
  4. Certain races - like African-Americans, have higher cases of breast cancer.

Modifiable - In your control.

  1. Late pregnancy (after the age of 30) or no pregnancy - Nuns are at a higher risk.
  2. Not breastfeeding your baby. 
  3. Obesity / being overweight - especially after menopause.
  4. Alcohol and Smoking.
Needless to say, women should strive to maintain a healthy weight, avoid alcohol and smoking and try to breastfeed their babies as much as possible to reduce their chances of getting breast cancer.

As you've seen, we can reduce the risk to a certain degree but some things are just not in our control! So, what is the next best thing you and I can do?


As you know, the best chances of beating any cancer are when we catch it in the early stages. So what steps can we take to catch breast cancer in the bud?

  1. Self Breast Examination or SBE - is the regular check up of breasts by a woman herself, every month, starting from the age of 20 years. It includes Looking at both breasts in mirror to check for any changes in skin, size of breasts or nipple changes. Then the woman should methodically Touch & Feel both breasts with the flat of her fingers for any lumps, feel the armpits and press nipples for any discharge. More on SBE in next post. It should be done after menses are over or on any fixed day of the month for pregnant and menopausal women. 
  2. Clinical Breast Examination or CBE - is the checkup of breasts by a doctor. It should be done every 2 years from the ages of 20 to 40.
  3. Mammography - it is a low-dose X-ray of the breasts & can detect even the smallest lumps which cannot be felt by hands. It is also supplemented by Sonography of the breasts. It should be done every 2 years between the ages of 40 to 50 and every year from ages of 50 to 75. In high risk women, it maybe started even from the age of 25.

What to do if you find a lump or any other abnormality?

All breast lumps are NOT cancer. In fact, only 15 - 20% of breast lumps are cancerous / malignant. But do consult your doctor immediately and get the lump checked.

Au revoir, people, until next time!

Think PINK, Protect yourself!

Hello, my beautiful people! Today we'll throw light on a much-feared, less-talked-about & common disease. Breast Cancer. Why? Be...